14 Foot Ceilings

September 18, 2009, 11:05 am
Filed under: DIY | Tags: ,

As you can see, I have made quite a bit of progress on my quilt.  It’s been a few weeks since I took that first picture I shared with you all, but I’ve been working on it a lot on my weekends.  No money to do things=lots of time working on projects at home.  I haven’t seen very many movies this summer, and normally I’m at the movies practically every other week.

At this point I have pieced the entire quilt together.  I hit a minor snafu in the cutting out of the purple squares, and after a bit of a fit, I was able to come up with a solution.  I had cut them too small, so I just had to adjust and cut the striped pieces smaller as well.

Now that the quilt is pieced together, I have made my quilt sandwich, with the backing fabric, the batting, and the top.  I have pinned all three together (I use all cotton, by the way, fabric, batting, and thread), and will begin the quilting process.

Once I start that process, I’ll share some photos.  I’m thinking of doing a freeform pattern, as I have this fabulous foot that lets me sew in all directions.

September 10, 2009, 1:23 pm
Filed under: DIY | Tags: ,

I have been one busy lady lately.  One of my biggest projects happens to be the quilt that I am working on.  It is my second quilt I have ever made, the first one being for my nephew Sam.  I was hoping to finish that one before he was born, but instead it was given to him for Christmas, which was only a few months after his birth anyway.

My latest quilt, I am ashamed to say, I started last fall, hence the fall color palette.  I finally picked it back up not too long ago, as I was originally attempting to submit it for the MassArt Auction.  There submission deadline is fast approaching, so we will see just how far I get.

I have pretty much gotten through the most labor intensive part, which was sewing all those strips of cloth together.  I have finally started piecing it together, and I will post some pictures as that progresses.  I’m hoping to get a lot of work done on it this weekend.

It really helps that since we bought our condo, and thus have no spare money, I spend all my weekends at home working on projects.  Ideally I’d love to get to be making quilts all the time, and maybe even finding people to buy them.  But let’s not get too far ahead of ourselves here.

This book is a fabulous resource, especially since I have been working with more modern patterns.  Although I’d love to get some really contemporary fabrics (so I’ll have to go to ebay and not Joann) and make a quilt that is a traditional pattern.  I know, probably not the most original idea, but hey, it’s an idea.

Anyway, stay tuned for more photos as I make more progress!

Liquor Cabinet
August 25, 2009, 11:12 am
Filed under: DIY, fab finds | Tags: , ,

Now that we have all this fabulous space we are in need of some new furniture.  We have lived in our new home for not quite 2 months, and that has allowed us to assess our situation and figure out what works and what doesn’t, and what we need to add in terms of furniture.

While on our staycation, we went to one of my favorite stores, Salvage Chic.  There are some really great deals to be found there, and the people who own it are super nice and helpful.  I always end up wanting to buy about half the store when I go there.

The one piece we picked up was a tin top cabinet that was in need of a new paint job.  We decided it would be perfect for a liquor cabinet, and by having a liquor cabinet, we could free up other cabinet space for my “pantry” and tupperware storage that was being occupied by said liquor and fancy glasses.

All it took was a light sanding (thanks to our newest toy, The Mouse) and a couple of coats of paint.  The other thing we did was clean off all the hardware.  I can’t stand it when people paint over hardware.  My husband and I once spent half the day picking paint off of all the glass doorknobs in our first apartment together, and they looked awesome afterward.  So note to all of you out there, just take the hardware OFF, and you don’t need to paint over it!

As you can see, I’m in an aqua phase.  I really wanted to add some color to the room, as we have a lot of browns going on.  Color is not something to be afraid of, grab it, embrace it, and run!  I have some leftover paint, and this color might just be making an appearance in another piece I already happen to own…