14 Foot Ceilings

November 10, 2009, 1:48 pm
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Um, so I know Halloween was ages ago at this point.  But I forgot I had some pictures my brother in law had taken, so I thought I would finally share them.

I didn’t do too much on Halloween, as usual we went to my sister in law’s to help hand out candy and do a little trick or treating with my nephew.  Here he is as an adorable giraffe, which was appropriate, seeing as he loves animals right now.

We like to hi five, because we are awesome like that.

And finally, me.  I went to a BU (Boston University for those of you not in the know) hockey game dressed as a BU girl, circa 2003.  I’m pretty sure no one had any idea what I was going for, but it was fun regardless.  I had to borrow Uggs, as I am fundamentally against them, and that was my own sweatshirt, as I am a big college hockey fan, even though I didn’t go to BU (husband, sister in law, and her husband all did).

A little bit of Halloween fun
October 21, 2009, 1:12 pm
Filed under: loft | Tags: ,

I love Halloween.  I have an extreme sweet tooth, and can consume those mini candy bars like no ones business.  I also happen to love to dress up, so it’s no surprise that Halloween is one of my very favorite holidays.  You dress up, and people give you candy?  For FREE?!  Sign me up.

When I was a senior in high school I went trick or treating for the last time.  My mom told me my friends and I had to go to peoples houses we knew, and we still made out like bandits.  I don’t think I could get away with that now.

On all the design blogs I follow, everyone and their mother has been putting up Halloween decorations.  I figured I would get into the spirit as well, and I made a trip to Target.  I picked up this pretty awesome (in my opinion) skull candy jar for only $20.  My husband did give me an odd look when I brought it home, but he has just had to deal with it.  I also picked up a glitter pumpkin for about $5 there.  Who doesn’t love a little black glitter?

The mini pumpkins I picked up at my local orchard.  I know it’s nothing much, and not nearly as cheap as some of my faves out there, but it’s my little slice of Halloween fun.  I also got a carving pumpkin, which I have yet to carve.  I actually won’t be home on Halloween, I’ll be at a hockey game (and I want to try and dress up for it, we’ll see), so my pumpkin will just have to sit in the window by its lonesome.