14 Foot Ceilings

Oh Christmas Tree
December 11, 2009, 2:40 pm
Filed under: life, loft | Tags: ,

It’s that time of year again, Christmas cheer, parties, trees, overeating, lots of drinking…you know the drill.  We’ve had our tree up since the Saturday after Thanksgiving (it actually fell on our nephew, making us go out and buy a new tree stand).

My dad happens to grow Christmas trees as a hobby, and so we get a real tree every year.  This year we managed to get one of his largest, at around 8 feet tall.  My husband aspires to have a larger tree, but we will see when that happens.

As far as other decorations, I don’t go too overboard.  I would, but we have cats, and I have a husband who can only take so much.  We have a few stockings, but never fill them, as we don’t really do Christmas presents to one another anymore.  We’re not good with the gift giving, we usually end up exchanging as soon as we have both done our shopping.  And what’s the fun in that?

So instead we just host a party, have yankee swaps, and exchange gifts with our families.  And this year we won’t be doing too much of that either, as we are going to Mexico in the new year with my family.  Which happens to be infinitely better than material things that I want but would never actually buy for myself.

I won’t make you empty promises of pictures from our party, but darn it, I’m going to try.  It looks like it’s going to be smaller this year than average, which will make for a nice intimate holiday party with way too much food.  But that’s how I roll, I like to be prepared.  I feel it’s better to have too much than to run out of food.  And besides, who doesn’t like leftover beef stew or mac and cheese?  And not to mention all the lovely desserts…